Declare About Books If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

Title:If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Author:Italo Calvino
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 260 pages
Published:October 20th 1982 by L&OD Key Porter (first published 1979)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. European Literature. Italian Literature. Literature. Magical Realism. Cultural. Italy. Novels
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If on a Winter's Night a Traveler Paperback | Pages: 260 pages
Rating: 4.05 | 70584 Users | 5620 Reviews

Relation In Favor Of Books If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

If on a Winter's Night a Traveler is a marvel of ingenuity, an experimental text that looks longingly back to the great age of narration—"when time no longer seemed stopped and did not yet seem to have exploded." Italo Calvino's novel is in one sense a comedy in which the two protagonists, the Reader and the Other Reader, ultimately end up married, having almost finished If on a Winter's Night a Traveler. In another, it is a tragedy, a reflection on the difficulties of writing and the solitary nature of reading. The Reader buys a fashionable new book, which opens with an exhortation: "Relax. Concentrate. Dispel every other thought. Let the world around you fade." Alas, after 30 or so pages, he discovers that his copy is corrupted, and consists of nothing but the first section, over and over. Returning to the bookshop, he discovers the volume, which he thought was by Calvino, is actually by the Polish writer Bazakbal. Given the choice between the two, he goes for the Pole, as does the Other Reader, Ludmilla. But this copy turns out to be by yet another writer, as does the next, and the next.

The real Calvino intersperses 10 different pastiches—stories of menace, spies, mystery, premonition—with explorations of how and why we choose to read, make meanings, and get our bearings or fail to. Meanwhile the Reader and Ludmilla try to reach, and read, each other. If on a Winter's Night is dazzling, vertiginous, and deeply romantic. "What makes lovemaking and reading resemble each other most is that within both of them times and spaces open, different from measurable time and space."

Describe Books Conducive To If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

Original Title: Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore ISBN13 9780088619451
Edition Language: English
Characters: The reader, Ludmilla Vipiteno, Lotaria Vipiteno, Ermes Marana, Silas Flannery, Irnerio
Literary Awards: Ars Translationis (2010), Ein Buch für die Stadt (2004)

Rating About Books If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
Ratings: 4.05 From 70584 Users | 5620 Reviews

Commentary About Books If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
I say this is what happened:Italo Calvino was suffering from a writer's block. He would start a novel, get it to its first curve and abandon it before the resolution. A few months later he would start another with a similar result. Finally, his publishers got impatient because it had been years since the last novel and they said:'Italo, get your shit together! We need a new book. Now!'Italo panicked and did the only thing he could think of. He glued all his failed attempts together and delivered

When I was young in the 1950s, the whole family would gather around our ancient rabbit-eared black & white TV when the postwar sensation Perry Como came on. And every week, hed start out by singing, Dream along with me - Im on my way to the Stars!Thats sorta like where the magician Calvino sends us, in this bemusing and magical romp through the strawberry fields of our imaginations - and his.His book is the very stuff dreams are made on!He uses everything but the kitchen sink as the

Why do you read? Maybe you want to impress somebody. Libraries are cool, or so they say. Or you expect to learn something from the books you so carefully select. Or you merely have a preference for intellectual entertainment and books are considered a smart option to fulfill that purpose. Or maybe you read to remember all the lives you haven't lived, or that important person who left a permanent track on you, whom you dont expect to see again, or to delight again in the innocent thrill of being

Previously Unpublished Manuscript #1Who am I? Who is I? Who is the I?Unlike my friends and colleagues, Professors Calvino and Galligani, I intend to tell you my name and perhaps to reveal something of my modus operandi (soon, too).This one sentence might already have supplied enough information or implication to let you work out or infer who I am?Have you guessed yet? No? Well, my name is Professor Uzzi-Tuzii, though my friends call me Julian. Not only is that my name, but that is who I am. Yes.

Imagination, Winged Push me not, not right now,Frozen feet is all I have;Shine me not, not right now,Calming dark is all I have;Correct me not, not right now,Impelling doubt is all I have;Wake me not, not right now,Breathing dream is all I have.Long ago, when I jotted down this poem, I was amidst a whirlwind of events: my final year exams were impending, my heartache was fresh, my best friend had left the city and my muscle tear was repaired but still throbbed a bit. So, I had little to rejoice

Putting into exact words all the feelings this book evokes in the reader, is a task not just tremendously challenging but virtually impossible to execute.After getting through the first few pages, I felt like Naomi Watts in The Ring, being pulled against her will into the world of the creepy video by Samara.I know that's a rather cheap analogy. Comparing a creation of one of the most accomplished post-modernist writers to have emerged from Europe to a Hollywood version of a Japanese film, is

A slick trick and trap of a novel, a complex story of cogs and frames. Narrators and readers collide and disappear. Styles float by (are experimented on) and are quickly replaced by other metafictional techniques. Anyway, I'm going to need more time and more sleep to absorb this book, but I'm not sure how anyone after first reading it could dislike the spirit, creativity, and absolute panache (yeah, I'll edit out panache tomorrow) of this novel.